Is Your Hotel E-911 Ray Baum Compliant? TRI-TEC Can Help!
Emergency communication is a critical component of workplace safety, and compliance with E-911 regulations is essential to ensure accurate location reporting in the event of emergencies.
RAY BAUM’s Act requires hotels to provide precise location information to Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) when an E-911 call is made, enabling first responders to locate the caller quickly and efficiently. Non-compliance can lead to significant safety risks and legal consequences for your hotel.
RAY BAUM’s Act (Repack Airwaves Yielding Better Access for Users of Modern Services) is a federal law requiring that E-911 calls must include a dispatchable location which means providing a specific address, floor, suite, or room number to PSAPs. This ensures that emergency responders can accurately locate the caller without unnecessary delays. The law applies to all multi-line telephone systems (MLTS), VoIP services, and mobile communications within organizations such as hotels and resorts.
To Be Compliant, Hotels Must:
- Provide Accurate Location Information With Every 911 Call
- Ensure Direct Dialing To E-911 (Eliminating Prefixes Such as 9+911; Known as Kari’s Law)
- Enable Front Desk or Security Notifications When E-911 Is Called
- Ensure Real-Time Alerts to Designated Personnel at the Time an E-911 Call is Placed
TRI-TEC Offers Tailord Solutions To Help You Remain Compliant:
- Custom MLTS Design and Implementation to Ensure a Compliant Communications Solution
- Call Routing With Accurate Location Tracking to Your Correct PSAP
- Alert Notifications to Appropriate On-Site Personnel
- Direct Dial E-911 Enablement Removing 9+911 Access Barriers (Kari’s Law)
- Real-Time Monitoring & Reporting With Immediate Alerts When an E-911 Call Is Placed
- Regulatory Consulting for Keeping You Compliant With Both RAY BAUM’s Act and Kari’s Law
By partnering with TRI-TEC, your organization can enhance safety, ensure compliance, and avoid legal risks all while protecting employees and visitors. Contact TRI-TEC today to design a fully compliant emergency communications solution for your hotel!
TRI-TEC is a leading communications provider and understands the intricacies of establishing an effective, compliant communications solution. Established in 1990 with a focus on customer service, TRI-TEC provides communications, network and Cloud solutions to thousands of satisfied customers. Whether you are integrating a new hosted VoIP solution, deploying a new enterprise-wide business phone system, contact center, VoIP network, wireless, security cameras, adding applications, cabling or new technologies to your existing network; we take the time to educate you and provide solid recommendations. TRI-TEC is a leading on-prem and hosted Cloud solutions provider available both locally and nationally with an extremely loyal customer base.