TRI-TEC Showing Man On VoIP Phone

Get The Most Out of Your VoIP Investment.

Whether you’ve recently purchased a new VoIP solution or have had one in place for many years, chances are you may not be aware of the many robust features available to you. Your communications system is more than just a business phone system. The intelligence designed within is inherent to VoIP. Why not start optimizing your VoIP features today?

By utilizing an internet connection for your voice traffic instead of a traditional PSTN landline, your phone system functions more like a computer residing on your WAN thus granting you endless possibilities of communication and collaboration. While cost savings may originally be the driving factor behind your reasons to go VoIP, the feature capabilities are designed to equally impress!

VoIP Is A Powerful Tool That Can Help You:

  • Improve Employee Productivity
  • Enhance Customer Service
  • Expedite Operations
  • Limit Overhead Expenses
  • Retain Accessibility From Anywhere, Anytime

You can manage your phone system and messaging from anywhere via a secure web portal. VoIP permits access to your own home page where you can view your complete call log with caller information, contacts, email, voice messages and more. Utilizing visual voice mail empowers you to stay on top of your messaging without the concern of messages filling up your mailbox. You can now treat voice messaging much like you do your emails in which you can flag messages of importance, sort, forward, search and more. Additionally, scribing services are available which enables transcriptions of voice messaging that can be sent to your email.

Feature Benefits Include: 

  • Integration With ERP, HR And Other Systems Wherever Applicable
  • Call Recording With Instant Playback, Editing, Searching And Downloading Capabilities
  • Customizable Call Routing And Forwarding Via Whatever Device You Choose
  • Simultaneous Ring For Multiple Devices
  • Uninterrupted Call Switching From Bluetooth-Paired Devices to Desktop Phones And More
  • Conference Bridge Capabilities With Recording
  • Small Party Video Calling
  • Large-Scale Audio Conferencing
  • Individual And Group Chat
  • Virtual Workspace Offering File Sharing And Group Collaboration
  • Contact Center Silent Monitoring And Coaching
  • Intelligent Dedicated Pickup Groups For Call Center Routing

TRI-TEC is a leading communications provider and understands the intricacies of establishing an effective VoIP solution. Established in 1990 with a focus on customer service TRI-TEC provides communications, network, Cloud and hybrid solutions to thousands of satisfied customers. Whether you are deploying a new enterprise-wide business phone system, network, Cloud platform or adding applications and new technologies to your existing infrastructure; we take the time to educate you and provide solid recommendations. TRI-TEC remains the Greater Seattle Area’s leading on-premises, Cloud and hybrid solutions provider.

Contact TRI-TEC Today For A VoIP Consult 253-852-777.

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